AGWSR FFA, 4-H Team Up to Help Families In-Need at Christmas

posted on Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Kudos to the AGWSR FFA and Osceola Raiders 4-H club for coming together to create meal packs for families in need.


The teams collaborated for Operation Christmas Meal’s Ignite the Spirit, a program of Iowa Select Farms and the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation that provides student-based organizations the means to help alleviate hunger, locally.


These young leaders organized the meal packs and distributed to the school administration who, in turn, distributed to the families who could use it the most.


Ignite the Spirit provides student organizations two cases of pork loins, a check for $250 and an event kit with grocery totes, recipe booklets and masks. Students then take on the challenge of identifying local community needs, partnering with schools or community food pantries and communicating, organizing and distributing the meal kits. Way to go!