Bedford Community Schools Power Snack Delivery

posted on Wednesday, November 22, 2017

“If we see a student struggling or distracted in class we work together to take action and make a plan of what we need to do to help them out,” said Destiny Drake, a secretary with the Bedford Community School District. “We will reach out to them to find out what is truly happening. It’s important that we effectively help them moving forward.”

Much like all of the other schools we’ve introduced you to on our journey to deliver 72,000 Power Snacks to local children in need, the Bedford Community School District works to get to the root of the problem when it comes to student behavior. “A lot of times when students are unable to concentrate or lashing out it’s actually because they’re hungry,” Drake continued. “In that case we will have them work directly with Mrs. Peterman at our school who then helps find out what we can do to help.”

In an effort to help combat food insecurity in local communities like Bedford, Iowa Select Farms and the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation are increasing the reach of their Power Snack Program. Now in its fifth year, the Power Snack Program empowers children to make their own ham Power Snacks when they’re not at school. Coupon booklets are given directly to school principals, counselors, secretaries and paras who then help distribute them to students in need. Schools are given enough supplies to distribute the helpful coupons four times per school year.

“I know that our kids are really going to look forward to receiving these coupons,” said Drake. “We do a similar program where they get backpacks of food and snacks to take home on the weekends and these are going to be a great addition to that. Especially when they go for extended periods of time where they don’t have access to breakfast or lunch at school.”

The Power Snack program will provide coupons for $5 work of shaved ham and $3 for a loaf of whole wheat bread for 15 local students in need.