Chariton Middle School Food Pantry— Haul Out Hunger
posted on Thursday, June 20, 2019
“Whether it’s food, clothes or household items, we’re here to help students and their families in a judgement-free environment,” said Shannon Parnell, secretary at Chariton Middle School. “Anyone can fall on hard times and we’re just here to lend a helping hand for the community.”

Six years ago, the staff at Chariton Middle School noticed an unfortunate trend.
“The families that we saw struggling were the ones working multiple jobs and making decent incomes. But they made too much to qualify for assistance and weren’t making enough to get by,” explained Shannon. “With multiple mouths to feed and budgets stretched thin, we realized it was the middle-class families that weren’t making it. That’s when we decided to open the pantry.”

Every second and fourth Wednesday of the month, teachers and community members volunteer their time to staff the Chariton Middle School food pantry. Currently, the pantry regularly helps 150-200 families and also opens on an as-needed basis for emergency situations.
“School food pantry programs are convenient and comfortable for students and their families,” continued Shannon. “Plus, our teachers and staff know the students and can help anticipate needs.”

Earlier today, Haul Out Hunger delivered 60 pork loins—enough to completely fill the pantry’s freezer space. Although it was our first visit, it definitely won’t be our last. In fact, the Chariton pantry is one of six new school food pantries added to our distribution list this year.

The 60 pork loins donated today will provide 1,080 four-ounce servings of protein-packed pork.

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