posted on Friday, July 7, 2017
Did you know that in the months of June and July food pantries are historically low? With the majority of schools out for summer vacation and holiday donations dwindling, it’s tough for food pantries, banks and community cupboards to keep their shelves and freezers full. We believe that no matter the time of year everyone deserves a good meal, which is why today kicks off our two-week effort to Haul Out Hunger!
The Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation and Iowa Select Farms is ready to once again hit the road restocking the freezers of rural food pantries located in the communities where our employees, contractors and their families work and live. We have loaded more than 22 tons of fresh pork loins into our semi, all of which are destined for organizations that support critical hunger relief programs and efforts.
We invite you to stay tuned on our social media pages (we’re on Twitter and Instagram, too!) as we introduce you to the selfless, committed individuals at the heart of the food pantries that we’ll be visiting – many of whom might even be familiar faces if you followed along last year.
With more than 22 tons of pork loins on board destined for 93 food pantries and thousands of families in need, we're ready to Haul Out Hunger! #billionplus #HaulOutHunger