Haul Out Hunger 2022 Delivers to Mid-Iowa Community Action in Iowa Falls

posted on Monday, July 25, 2022

Mid-Iowa Comm Action Crew in Iowa Falls
Our first stop was at Mid-Iowa Community Action - MICA in Iowa Falls. This food pantry serves 130 families on average per month, and this is just another pantry that is seeing the impact of the price of meat.

Volunteer Lorie Smuck told us, “With the high costs of meat at the store, families are missing the protein in their meals, and this is an important part of a healthy diet. Most food pantry budgets don’t support buying very much meat, so donations are greatly appreciated.”

As we continue to hear these stories from volunteers, we understand just how big of an impact these donations have for families in our Homegrown Iowa communities. We are glad to have donated 2,160 servings of pork to this pantry.