posted on Thursday, July 5, 2018
“These pork loins provide the protein that kids so desperately need, but unfortunately their families can’t always afford,” said Kim Motl of Upper Des Moines Opportunity (UDMO) in Hamilton County. “This donation is such a blessing and couldn’t have come at a better time. Our freezers were empty and we had no meat left to give.”
It was a busy morning in Webster City for our Haul Out Hunger crew. In addition to stocking the freezers at UDMO with 240 pork loins, we also unloaded 240 pork loins at the First Baptist Church Food Pantry, 60 pork lions at All Cultures Equal and another 60 pork loins for Trinity Lutheran Church Food Pantry. In total, families in Webster City and surrounding towns in Hamilton County will receive nearly 15,000 servings of nutrient-packed pork.
“This pork is a lean and healthy meat that’s a good source of protein,” said Karen Hinderks of the Trinity Lutheran Food Pantry, which serves anywhere from 40-50 families a month in Webster City. “We had a client that shed tears when she received two pork loins for her large family. It’s protein that families would otherwise go without.”
As we’ve shared on our journey to Haul Out Hunger, food banks are historically low in the months of June and July when children are out of school. In fact, one in six Iowa children are considered food-insecure.
“Just because kids are out of school doesn’t mean their bodies stop growing or needing energy,” continued Kim. “In fact, they need it now more than ever, but the reality is that families can’t always afford it with budgets that are already stretched thin. No family should have to choose between paying their utility bill or putting food on the table. This donation helps alleviate a huge burden for struggling families in our area.”
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