High Standards Lead to Q3 SelectPride Win
posted on Friday, February 15, 2019
"Josh has taught us to do the right thing for our animals every day,” said Brandon Munyon. “Just because someone isn’t watching doesn’t mean you aren’t supposed to give 110%. I think that’s why we do so well, because we’re all working with the same high standards.”
When it comes to being a well-oiled machine, Josh Haidsiak’s team of multiplication nurseries has pretty much got it down.
“It’s amazing to see such a young crew with outstanding production numbers,” he said. “Normally it takes people five to eight years to start honing their goals, but this group really gets after it.”

Josh helps oversee production at four multiplication nursery farms in southern Iowa and recently won 2018 Quarter 3 SelectPride. He relies on a team of six employees—Sheila Mundy (Decatur), Cody Long (Lenox), Daniel Page (Sammons), Tyler Miller (Damewood), Brandon Munyon (Priest) and Alee Haidsiak (part-time)—to provide daily care for 20,000 animals. Everyone in the group is tied to a specific farm, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t constantly working together.
“We cover each other at every farm, whether it’s helping with load ins or taking on weekend chores, we are very much a team,” said Sheila. “Everyone’s got each other’s backs.”
On an average day, Josh travels 60-70 miles visiting at least two of his team’s farms. From daily chores and observations to installations, sizing and sorting animals, treatments, recordkeeping and site upkeep—he helps wherever needed most. Currently, his crew is also providing care for an additional 5,000 animals at Decatur.
To keep all seven of them on the same page, Josh relies on a weekly e-mail chain and schedule to keep things organized. In fact, organization is one of his greatest attributes as a manager.
“We never have to question if any of Josh’s farms have completed certain tasks,” said Tysen Abell, multiplication supervisor. “He works closely with his team to make sure they dot every “i” and cross every “t.” They are very meticulous and do a great job staying on top of things.”
The crew also does a great job keeping on top of production. Currently, all of the farms are at or below 1.5% mortality (1% below company goal) and received 100% on both their animal well-being and biosecurity assessments—five percent above the company goal for both.
Their biggest obstacle is mixing four different groups of pigs into one farm, getting them acclimated and maintaining herd health. They say it takes a lot more work on the front end, but is worth it to get, and keep, their pigs healthy from the start.
"I'm really proud of this team and their willingness to be the best," said Josh. "I set high expectations because I know that together, we can achieve just about anything we set our minds to."
Congratulations to Josh, Sheila, Cody, Daniel, Tyler, Brandon and Alee on your SelectPride success!
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