posted on Thursday, April 2, 2020
Last month, the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation was proud to present the Iowa Veterans of Foreign Wars Command Post 5 with 200 Pork Care Packages. “These coupons are huge for our veterans, who might not otherwise be able to afford fresh meat,” said Rev. Dr. Stuart Jaurez, 5th District Commander, Iowa Veterans of Foreign Wars.
The VFW 5th district delivers the Pork Care Packages to needy and disabled veterans throughout central Iowa. The coupons are good for $10 worth of ham, $10 worth of fresh pork, $10 worth of ribs and $5 worth of bacon—enough to plan for several hearty meals.
The mission of the VFW 5th District is to support programs and services that secure, manage and distribute resources to improve the lives of veterans, military service personnel, their families and the communities where they live.
In addition to the VFW delivery, nearly 12,000 of our local Warriors serving in the Iowa National Guard;132nd Fighter Wing, Iowa Air National Guard; 185th Air Refueling Wing, Iowa Air National Guard; US Army Reserves, US Marine Corp Reserves and US Navy Reserves brought home a Pork Care Package from the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation and Iowa Select Farms.