Julie Celebrates 25 Years with Iowa Select Farms
posted on Thursday, September 8, 2022
“Growth is not about size, but about getting better as a company,” said Julie Crouch, our multiplication logistics and data analytics specialist. “We’ve gotten bigger, but we’ve also gotten better. It’s been rewarding to be a part of that.”
Julie has been a big part of the changes; she’s been with the company for 25 years and has filled many roles. Today, she schedules gilt movements for the multiplication farms, oversees their health testing reporting and tracks the isowean flows into the farms.
“I enjoy putting all of the pieces together,” said Julie. She gracefully coordinates numerous moving pieces and parts between production, transport and health services daily, staying on top of communication and documentation.
Her job, like many, is challenging, and she knows she’s relied upon to make good decisions and be ready to manage changes as they come up.
“I appreciate the extra efforts Iowa Select makes to show employees appreciation,” said Julie.
She says her favorite thing about the company is the work of the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation. “It makes me proud to see the impact the Foundation makes in the community I live in, and the communities of my co-workers. There are so many different programs, and it’s not hard to see and feel the direct impact.”
Julie says she enjoys reading, camping, kayaking and spending time with family and friends. She and her husband, Ray, who works for Iowa Select Farms as a maintenance technician, have three grown children. Two live and work in Des Moines with their spouses, and the youngest is returning to Iowa after serving in the US Army.
Julie, we’re so thankful to have you!
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