posted on Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Haul Out Hunger delivered 21 cases of pork loins for food pantries in Lenox this year. The loins will yield approximately 4,536 servings of protein-pack pork for area families in-need.
"These loins are going to help the larger families in the congregation that we know can use a helping hand," said Rev. Tim Maxa. "We stretch it out as much as possible to help our community and are so grateful for the support year-after-year."
After unloading Rev. Maxa with 72 pork loins, it was just a quick jaunt up the road to the Lenox Neighborhood Center where we caught up with Debbie Tillman to donate an additional 600 pounds of pork for the community.
"We rebuilt this center four years ago and continue to grow," said Debbie. "We are open three days a week and clients can come in once a month to get food and other items that they might otherwise not be able to afford."
Set up similar to a thrift store, the Lenox Neighborhood Center provides community members a place to purchase high quality, clean items like clothes and shoes and for an extremely affordable price.
"Our pantry serves anywhere from 18-22 families a month which is about 40-50 individuals," explained Debbie. "These loins are just such a blessing because we can make them last all the way until the holidays and those cold Iowa winters."