Making a Difference at OABCIG Schools

posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2021

"Anytime we are giving a student a meal, it's a win for us,” said Mary Renze, Food Service Director for OABCIG High School. "The beauty of this program is students don't have to sign up or feel ashamed of asking for help, we can just provide them with it."

School personnel hold Power Snack materials

The OABCIG Community School District will be able to provide 500 students with Power Snack--coupon booklets designed to give students facing food insecurity the ability to purchase high protein ingredients to make nutritious meals over weekends and holiday breaks.

The 259 square mile combined district area is comprised of four communities--Odebolt, Arthur, Battle Creek, and Ida Grove and home to nearly 6,000 citizens.

Power Snack sign

With 1 in 8 Iowa children facing food insecurity, Iowa Select Farms, under the leadership of the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation, are driving the change to help end childhood hunger. Under the power snack teacher supply kids program, Iowa select Farms employees will be giving ham and bread coupons, along with Pork Sticks, to teachers and schools for distribution to their students.
