Power Snack 2022 Goes to Gilmore City-Bradgate

posted on Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Madison and Kelsey from Gilmore City-Bradgate with PS materials“The PowerSnack coupons allow our students and their families to access high protein options that they otherwise might not have access to,” said Kelsey Wigans, Seed to Table Manager at Gilmore City-Bradgate Community School District. "This is especially handy at times when we are not at school to extend students’ nutrition.”

The Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation recognizes that the unfortunate reality is that many students’ only meals come from their time at school. During weekends and extended breaks, a lot of children go without the necessary protein and nutrients. The PowerSnack program was built to help supply a source of protein during these times.

400 coupons for $8 worth of deli ham and $3 worth of whole wheat bread were delivered to Gilmore City-Bradgate today, and we look forward to the number of students and families that will enjoy healthy meals and snacks because of the coupons.

“We are grateful for the opportunity to be receiving this nutritionally powerful gift from the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation,” added Wigans.

We hope these coupons are a comfort as we head into the extended Thanksgiving break from school.