Rockwell City Celebrates Its Ties to the Agricultural Community
posted on Friday, February 28, 2020
Known as the "Golden Buckle on the Corn Belt,” Rockwell City celebrates its ties to the agricultural community, which is why we’re so proud to call Calhoun County home.

Just yesterday, we hosted an open house at our new warehouse and conference center located right inside the city limits of Rockwell City. Community leaders and area employees helped cut a ribbon celebrating what makes something like a warehouse so exciting.
You see, corn is fed to livestock, so when livestock farms grow, so do rural economies, especially farming communities like Rockwell City.

Livestock growth means stronger infrastructure for agriculture and more job. More jobs leads to more income. More income leads to more local spending.
Recently we welcomed Upland Sow Farm outside of Rockwell City. Led by Rockwell City residents Dan Sander and Chad Carver, the new farm added 18 new jobs and an annual economic impact of $4.7 million to the local economy. “Now with the new warehouse and conference center, our farms and maintenance teams are better supported and our overall supply chain is stronger,” said Sander.
“Iowa Select Farms is welcome here anytime,” said Phil Heilen, mayor of Rockwell City. “They are a good company with good people, and they do things right. We’re lucky to have them.”

The Rockwell City warehouse is managed by Kim Miller (manager) and Ken Johnson (assistant).
Jennifer Scheidgger of nearby Jolley, Iowa, catered the adorable pig cookies, bars and snack mix for the guests who attended the open house. "This is a beautiful building to greet people coming into Rockwell City. We are really excited about this."

This 24,000 square foot warehouse is located on the east side of Rockwell City. The warehouse is critical to improving the support given to the 300 farms located throughout northwest and western Iowa.
Additionally, the conference center will provide a central location for onboarding, ongoing employee training and meetings.

This is the second new warehouse opened within a year—Osceola Warehouse and Conference Center opened last October.
All Iowa Select Farms warehouses, including conference areas, are biosecure areas and are not open to the public. All warehouses have heightened biosecurity protocols, including the use of bench entry, foot covers, hand sanitizer and established clean/dirty lines for both people and supplies entering and exiting the warehouses.
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