St. Joseph Community School in New Hampton is Another Stop On Our Power Snack Tour
posted on Monday, November 18, 2019

“Our families really appreciate these coupons because they provide a complete, wholesome snack for the kids,” said Christina Carlton, Principal at St. Joseph Community School in New Hampton. “When students are hungry, they are irritable, tired and struggle to complete their work.”
With Thanksgiving break right around the corner, Principal Carlton says the school plans to send the 220 Power Snack coupon booklets home discretely in children’s backpacks. They will also distribute pork sticks to students that come to school hungry.
“If a student does not have meals at home, especially for an extended period of time, they are not ready to learn when they come back to school,” she explained. “What excites me most about this program is that it helps us provide families with a healthy food option. Protein is brain food!”
Power Snack coupons are distributed four times throughout the school year and we leave it up to schools to determine what distribution strategy works best for their school; however, most send out prior to extended weekends and holiday breaks when kids go without important meals at school.
A program of Iowa Select Farms and the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation, Power Snack aims to reduce childhood hunger by providing kids with access to nutritious food at home. Each child enrolled in the Program will receive a $5 coupon for deli ham and $3 coupon for a loaf of whole wheat bread three times throughout the school year.
In addition to the coupons, students receive a Protein Power! Recipe booklet with fun, healthy ideas to use their deli ham and whole wheat bread at home. Combining the protein power of ham with the energy of whole wheat bread, students are able to channel their inner superhero and make “Power Snacks” at home.

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