posted on Tuesday, August 17, 2021

"I came into my internship with Iowa Select Farms hoping to eventually join the company,” said gilt development intern, Kiley. “This experience has just cemented the goal that I want to come back here once I'm graduated and make an impact because I really feel like I'm a part of it already."
Kiley calls New Hartford, Iowa home and will be a senior at Iowa State University this year where she studies animal science. She chose Iowa Select not only for the many opportunities for growth within the company, but also because she knew how much the company does to give back to their Homegrown Iowa communities and make their employees feel valued.

“I’ve really enjoyed getting to know everyone on my farm. I feel like we are just one giant family and they help me with anything I need,” she explained. “They are always so willing to teach me and help me learn."
Kiley has completed a variety of responsibilities this summer including breeding gilts, heat checking gilts, walking pens to look for sick or injured pigs, treating sick or injured pigs and vaccinating pigs. No matter what task she is given, she accomplishes it with a smile and positive attitude.
“Kiley is very positive and enthusiastic,” confirms her manager Monica.
Thank you for all of your hard work this summer, Kiley! We are wishing you all the best in the future.
Be on the lookout for more #ISFInterns21 highlights coming soon!
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