Summer 2021 Intern Riley

posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Headshot of Riley

“After spending a summer as a research intern for Iowa Select, I have earned a huge amount of respect for those that work in the swine industry,” said Riley. “It is definitely a humbling job, but also very rewarding. I know that Iowa Select has allowed me to gain necessary experience for future endeavors.”

Riley just finished up her internship with Iowa Select Farms where she worked as a research intern, traveling to multiple sites to help conduct important studies. Originally from Britt, Iowa, Riley will be a sophomore at Iowa State University this fall where she is majoring in animal science with a minor in agricultural business. Her studies have translated into real world experiences at Iowa Select this summer.

riley stands by feeders

“I’ve had a lot of different responsibilities throughout my time here,” she explained. “Everything from visiting different sites including nurseries, research sites and wean to finish sites to collect data, chore barns, and vaccinate to taking data from studies, analyzing it and then collaborating with veterinarians to apply data and results to the company as a whole. I also submitted samples to Iowa State labs for testing, summarize data sheets and even more.”

It’s easy for Riley to see how her experiences at Iowa Select this summer fit into her future.

“I chose Iowa Select because I have always loved pigs and I knew that I needed to gain more experience within the swine industry. There are a lot of things that bring the industry and Iowa Select together, so I am excited to see how it all fits together and where I may like to end up after graduating from Iowa State.”

We’re wishing you all the best in the future, Riley! Thanks for all your hard work this summer – it didn’t go unnoticed.

There are just a few more #ISFInterns21 highlights left, so don’t miss out!

Riley holds a piglet