A Special Adventure

Childhood cancer imposes an unimaginable trauma on both children and their families, robbing them of the joys that healthy children typically experience during their formative years. In a heartfelt effort to support families confronting childhood cancer, the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation has introduced the "A Special Adventure" program. This initiative aims to offer Children’s Cancer Connection families an all-inclusive weekend getaway, fostering quality time and fun.

Designed intentionally, the program is rooted in Iowa, facilitating easy travel and providing close access to healthcare providers if needed. Beyond offering respite, these adventures enable families to discover and appreciate the beauty of their home state.

Each year, the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation grants up to 40 families the opportunity to choose from four local trips: "A Nature Lover’s Dream," "Lake Life Escape," "Iowa State Fair Adventure," and "Splash and Thrill Getaway," underscoring our commitment to supporting Iowa families in the fight against childhood cancer. 

Each all-inclusive getaway package includes admission to all planned activities, a two-night hotel stay, a backpack containing the trip itinerary and details, family t-shirts, a Fujifilm Instax Mini Polaroid camera, a trip journal, and a set of specially curated surprise fun boxes. These boxes are filled with travel games, accessories, and activities, enhancing the overall experience and ensuring that families can unwind, create new memories, and find joy amid the challenges of childhood cancer.

2025 Trip Options:

Special Adventure program trips highlight many of Iowa's fun destinations, including children’s museums, amusement parks, water parks, unique restaurants, ice cream parlors and more.

Eligibility and Application Process
This program is designed for families of children diagnosed with cancer and is intended to provide the entire family with an all-Iowa getaway. Here are the general eligibility requirements:

  • This program is for Iowa families affected by childhood cancer with at least one child in the household who is 18 or younger at the time of application
  • Families with a child on or off treatment (regardless of treatment outcome) are eligible.
  • Must be a Children’s Cancer Connection family
  • Up to two adult caregivers and siblings residing in your household are welcome on granted trips
  • Families are chosen at the discretion of the Application Committee
  • We will annually award up to 40 trips yearly
  • Upon completing this application, you will receive an acknowledgment email noting that your application has been received
  • If selected, you will be contacted again 6-8 weeks before your trip

You can apply for A Special Adventure here. 

Families who have questions about eligibility or need assistance with the application process should contact:

Director of Programs
Children’s Cancer Connection
Email: programs@ccciowa.org
Phone: 515-243-6239 ext. 1106

For questions about the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation, contact: 

Laura Noehren
Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 641-316-3293